
HIMAX-Training is Pinnacle's official training system and the only one you'll need!

HIMAX-Training stands for High Intensity Maximal Anaerobic X-Training (Cross Training). Our system is an intensity-based protocol that incorporates both strength training as well as anaerobic conditioning into a fast-paced dynamic workout that will take you to the next level in both a safe and time efficient manner! 


     Those who exercise are looking to improve their physical condition whether the purpose is to improve health, look better, or compete in athletics. It is for these reasons we must first look at exercise simplistically and then apply modifications to fit a person’s goals. The problem is, all too often, fitness/performance trainers ignore the basic elements of exercise and instead implement a program that meets their needs rather than the client/athlete’s needs.

To implement a quality program, one must first address the fact that the client/athlete wants to get into better physical condition. Every individual has goals they will need to work on, and the hard part is how to best address those goals even if they could be tackled separately. An athlete may come to us and state they want to get stronger and faster, but their assessment shows deficiencies in their functional movement and their body fat is too high. In this case, absolute strength increases would probably need to be put on the back burner while the program focuses on the other aspects. In reality, improving those other inefficiencies such as “energy leaks” and decreasing body fat most likely will result in them becoming faster and stronger relative to body weight. This same athlete may exhibit poor conditioning as well, and that adds another aspect to include in the program.

Another key issue not mentioned previously is this athlete is likely not a professional athlete. He/she has many other things to do in addition to his or her workouts. He/she may have classwork, a job, homework, meetings, etc. How do we balance the client's physical needs/ exercise goals with his/her other commitments without having to spend all day training?

First and foremost, to achieve results through exercise the individual must be able to train injury free. This means that injury risk must be reduced as much as possible. If they are sidelined with an ailment or injury then the program won’t elicit much. First rule- the program must be safe!

Anyone who exercises will benefit from being able to do more exercise in a shorter amount of time because improved recovery = improved results! If your goal is to lose weight, then being able to do more exercise in 60 minutes equals a higher caloric expenditure. If your goal is to get stronger for a sport such as football, then better recovery will allow you to do more work and elicit better strength gains because your body fatigues more slowly. This will also transfer some conditioning to your sport - like football - which is anaerobic in nature, because improving H+ removal (hydrogen ions, a fatiguing metabolite) means less fatigue from plan to play. If you’re a bodybuilder looking to add muscle then being able to stave off fatigue allows you to further damage the muscle before it fatigues with more sets in an hour because less rest between sets is needed. In addition to all of this are the positive hormonal changes that occur when a proper stimulus is applied during a workout.

Now you understand that delaying fatigue should be one of the first objectives of any program! In addition, maximizing the results of every set will in-turn maximize the results of the workout. Minimizing the rest between these sets will force the body to adapt and recover more quickly. The combination of intensity and decreased rest trains the anaerobic system to maximize recovery. Mentally, this is incredibly challenging, so an added benefit of this type of exercise is that the individual becomes more mentally resilient. A great quality for anyone to possess! 


Now that the ball is rolling, how does one continue to see results from an exercise program? He/she must continually push themselves to be better. He must progress! In order to do this the client/athlete should never be satisfied with where he is. He must want to get better with every workout. Maintenance is mental! The body will only stay in one place so long before it becomes more efficient and then needs more stimuli. If this added stimulus isn’t applied, then regression will soon occur. The Overload Principle is the basis of exercise science, and it must be addressed in every program!

The final aspect is the hardest for some to grasp when it comes to exercise. How do you achieve your desired results with this least amount of work? Exercise efficiency = maximizing results while minimizing workout time. Anyone can spend two hours a day in the gym, but is it getting him or her better results? Could he or she get the same results in much less time? What limits an individual’s results? The amount of exercise they do or their genetics? In business this is referred to a cost/benefit analysis. At some point spending more time training just isn’t worth it. How do you know when that time is? 

The answer to the previous questions is HIMAX-Training. HIMAX-Training isn’t an exercise protocol of rules as much as it a guide of what not to do. Bruce Lee once described his martial art system, Jeet Kune Do, as “stripping away what is not necessary. What is then left is the Tao, or 'the way.' ”  The goal of our protocol is to elicit the maximal physiological response possible in the time spent exercising. It addresses strength training, anaerobic interval cross-training, and mental toughness training simultaneously. It maximizes muscular work, the lactate threshold, and the ability to continue working even while enduring discomfort. This system is gauged by perceived exertion, as the client/athlete progresses so does his ability to continue maximal effort. Clients get strong physically, recover faster, and increase their mental toughness all at the same time. You set the bar and we ensure that you know how to reach it.

HIMAX-Training emphasizes safety, intensity, balance, progression, variety, efficiency, and let us not forget...recovery. “Go hard- then go home!”

You can't knock it until you've tried it! Contact us to set up a complimentary test drive.

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Improved Mental Approach

Decreased Injury Risk

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